  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



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Saved by PBworks
on December 4, 2007 at 12:04:25 pm


duck9er - anonymous pages where you can share, read and relate to others. 

** password to change anything is "fico750" **


lincoln \ illinois \ 62656

Cell phone number: 217-yyy-xxxx

Cell carrier: att


How will you use Duck9.com: First boost my credit score

How did you hear about Duck9: Web article


Credit Card Bank #1: capital one

Interest Rate Bank #1: 27%

Balance Bank #1: 2850


Credit Card Bank #2: providian

Interest Rate Bank #2: 12.9%

Balance Bank #2: 1850


Credit Card Bank #3: merrick

Interest Rate Bank #3: 21.9%

Balance Bank #3: 560


Message Center:



type your question here


Text message 650 566 9600




Duck9 is about starting and staying debt free as a college student




Step 1: View the photo album of how duck9 works

  • In short, it's a program that guides you to a FICO of 750 to keep you debt free.


Step 2: Use wiki pages to share tips, strategies, techniques and ideas

  • see example pages here 

Step 3: Get on your path to a FICO of 750

  • Text message 650 566 9600 your credit card due date


 ** password to change anything is "fico750" **

City state zip: lincoln \ illinois \ 62656

Cell phone number: 217-737-xxxx

Cell carrier: att

Can we SMS you updates: No

How will you use Duck9.com: First boost my credit score

How did you hear about Duck9: Web article


Credit Card Bank #1: capital one

Interest Rate Bank #1: 27%

Balance Bank #1: 2850

Credit Card Bank #2: providian

Interest Rate Bank #2: 12.9%

Balance Bank #2: 1850

Credit Card Bank #3: merrick

Interest Rate Bank #3: 21.9%

Balance Bank #3: 560

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