  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago

duck9er - anonymous pages where you can share, read and relate to others. 

** password to change anything is "fico750" **


Fix the typo in thsi line by clicking EDIT PAGE box up above







Cell carrier: att

Cell billing due date: 9th


How will you use Duck9.com: First boost my credit score

How did you hear about Duck9: Web article



Summary Table of FICO progress.  Current status OSTRICH

Number of Months having made an on-time payment (goal is 24 effen months in-a-row to get to 750) 00001
Possess a credit card in your own name? yes / no
Have you run your credit report download and mail this  (NOTE: FreeCreditReport isn't free- it's a scam: see credit tip #71)  yes / no
Have you taken a digital pic (with private info blacked out) and posted it below?  yes / no
 Last time you emailed or text messaged back your secret duck chiang9@duck9.com (i.e. your assistant that helps you hack your credit score at duck9  November 29, 2007


Remember, if you forget to charge something that month, write a check for $25 and pay the credit card company (secret #22) anyway.  You cannot do an electronic payment.  You must write a check.

** Summary Table of FICO progress END **



** Debt Summary **

Credit Card Bank #1: capital one

Due Date: 5th

Interest Rate Bank #1: 27%

Balance Bank #1: 2850


Credit Card Bank #2: providian

Due Date: 25th

Interest Rate Bank #2: 12.9%

Balance Bank #2: 1850


Credit Card Bank #3: merrick

Due Date: 12th

Interest Rate Bank #3: 21.9%

Balance Bank #3: 560

** Debt Summary END **


Message Center:



type your question here


Text message 650 566 9600




Step 1: Decide you want a FICO of 750. If not leave


Step 2a: View the photo album of how duck9 works here

  • In short, it's a timely two year program that guides you to a FICO of 750 to minimize interest cost.


Step 2b: Use wiki pages to share tips, strategies, techniques and ideas

  • see example pages here


Step 3: Get on your path to a FICO of 750.  Pick one of four.


** password to change any wiki page is "fico750" **


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