  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



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Saved by PBworks
on December 4, 2007 at 12:09:12 pm

duck9er - a wiki about starting and staying debt free as a college student


** password to change any wiki page is "fico750" **



 Step 1: Decide you want a FICO of 750. If not leave


Step 2a: Pay the price: being in the 99th percentile isn't easy

  • Good news is that its free forever and takes two minutes a month
  • Bad news is that wikis are hard to understand and the interface sucks

  • In short, it's a two year program that guides you to a FICO of 750 to minimize lifetime interest cost.


Step 2b: Use wiki pages to share tips, strategies, techniques and ideas

  • see example pages here


Step 3: Get on your path to a FICO of 750.  Pick one of four.


** password to change any wiki page is "fico750" **



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